此為Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings 指標之佐證資料
Cumulative Evidence-
SDG 1:No Poverty
1.1 Research on poverty
1.1.1 Papers co-authored with low or lower-middle income countries
1.1.2 No poverty: FWCI
1.1.3 No poverty: publications1.2 Proportion of students receiving financial aid to attend university because of poverty
1.2.1 Indicator: Low income students receiving financial aid1.3 University anti-poverty programmes
1.3.1 Bottom financial quintile admission target
1.3.2 Bottom financial quintile student success
1.3.3 Low-income student support
1.3.4 Bottom financial quintile student support
1.3.5 Low or lower-middle income countries student support1.4 Community anti-poverty programmes
1.4.1 Local start-up assistance
1.4.2 Local start-up financial assistance
1.4.3 Programmes for services access
1.4.4 Policy addressing poverty -
SDG 2: Zero Hunger
2.1 Research on hunger
2.1.1 Zero Hunger: CiteScore
2.1.2 Zero hunger: FWCI
2.1.3 Zero hunger: publications2.2 Campus food waste
2.2.1 Campus food waste tracking2.3 Student hunger
2.3.1 Student food insecurity and hunger
2.3.2 Students hunger interventions
2.3.3 Sustainable food choices on campus
2.3.4 Healthy and affordable food choices
2.3.5 Staff hunger interventions2.4 Proportion of graduates in agriculture and aquaculture including sustainability aspects
2.4.1 Indicator: Proportion of graduates in agriculture and aquaculture2.5 National hunger
2.5.1 Access to food security knowledge
2.5.2 Events for local farmers and food producers
2.5.3 University access to local farmers and food producers
2.5.4 Sustainable food purchases -
SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being
3.1 Research on health and well-being
3.1.1 Good Health and Well-being: paper views
3.1.2 Clinical citations
3.1.3 Good Health and Well-being: publications3.2 Number graduating in health professions
3.2.1 Indicator: Proportion of graduates in health professions3.3 Collaborations and health services
3.3.1 Current collaborations with health institutions (政大與北市聯醫簽署合作MOU)
3.3.2 Health outreach programmes (政大USR的社區兒少家庭關懷計畫)
3.3.3 Shared sports facilities (政大開放體育設施列表)
3.3.4 Sexual and reproductive health care services for students (學生會生理用品共享站列表)
3.3.5 Mental health support for students (學務處身心健康中心提供學生心理支持)
3.3.6 Smoke-free policy (校園菸害防制要點)
3.3.7 Mental health support for staff (與心田諮商所合作之教職員工諮商方案) -
SDG 4: Quality Education
4.1 Research on early years and lifelong learning education
4.1.1 Quality Education: paper views
4.1.2 Quality Education: CiteScore
4.1.3 Quality Education: publications4.2 Proportion of graduates with teaching qualification
4.2.1 Indicator: Proportion of graduates with relevant qualification for teaching4.3 Lifelong learning measures
4.3.1 Public resources (lifelong learning) (開放式課程)
4.3.2 Public events (lifelong learning) (對外開放的講座與活動資訊專區)
4.3.3 Vocational training events (lifelong learning) (政大進修推廣課程)
4.3.4 Education outreach activities beyond campus (USR的社區青少年教育關懷計畫)
4.3.5 Lifelong learning access policy (本校對性別平等、原住民學生、經文不利學生、新移民學生制定相關學習保障措施)4.4 Proportion of first-generation students
4.4.1 Indicator: Proportion of first-generation students -
SDG 5: Gender Equality
5.1 Research on gender equality
5.1.1 Proportion of female authors
5.1.2 Gender Equality: CiteScore
5.1.3 Gender Equality: publications5.2 Proportion of first-generation female students
5.2.1 Indicator: Proportion of women first-generation5.3 Student access measures
5.3.1 Tracking access measures (教務處追蹤每年入學生之性別比例)
5.3.2 Policy for women applications and entry (國立政治大學性別平等教育實施要點)
5.3.3 Women’s access schemes (國立政治大學性別平等教育實施要點)
5.3.4 Women’s application in underrepresented subjects5.4 Proportion of senior female academics
5.4.1 Indicator: Proportion of senior female academics5.5 Proportion of women receiving degrees
5.5.1 Indicator: Proportion of female degrees awarded5.6 Women’s progress measures
5.6.1 Policy of non-discrimination against women (國立政治大學性別平等教育實施要點)
5.6.2 Non-discrimination policies for transgender (國立政治大學性別平等教育實施要點)
5.6.3 Maternity policy (國立政治大學學生請假規則)
5.6.4 Childcare facilities for students (國立政治大學哺(集)乳室內部管理維護要點)
5.6.5 Childcare facilities for staff and faculty (政大附幼新生入學作業要點)
5.6.6 Women’s mentoring schemes (學務處身心健康中心)
5.6.7 Track women’s graduation rate (國立政治大學畢業生數及其取得輔系、雙主修資格人數-以「系(所)」統計)
5.6.8 Policies protecting those reporting discrimination (國立政治大學性騷擾防治、申訴及懲戒辦法)
5.6.9 Paternity policy (國立政治大學約用人員給假一覽表) -
SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
6.1 Research on water
6.1.1 Clean Water and Sanitation: CiteScore
6.1.2 Clean Water and Sanitation: FWCI
6.1.3 Clean Water and Sanitation: publications6.2 Water consumption per person
6.2.1 Water consumption tracking6.3 Water usage and care
6.3.1 Wastewater treatment
6.3.2 Preventing water system pollution
6.3.3 Free drinking water provided
6.3.4 Water-conscious building standards
6.3.5 Water-conscious planting6.4 Water reuse
6.4.1 Water reuse policy
6.4.2 Water reuse measurement6.5 Water in the community
6.5.1 Water management educational opportunities
6.5.2 Indicator has been removed
6.5.3 Off-campus water conservation support
6.5.4 Sustainable water extraction on campus
6.5.5 Cooperation on water security
6.5.6 Promoting conscious water usage on campus
6.5.7 Promoting conscious water usage in the wider community -
SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
7.1 Research on clean energy
7.1.1 Affordable and Clean Energy: CiteScore
7.1.2 Affordable and Clean Energy: FWCI
7.1.3 Affordable and Clean Energy: publications7.2 University measures towards affordable and clean energy
7.2.1 Energy-efficient renovation and building
7.2.2 Upgrade buildings to higher energy efficiency
7.2.3 Carbon reduction and emission reduction process
7.2.4 Plan to reduce energy consumption
7.2.5 Energy wastage identification
7.2.6 Divestment policy7.3 Energy use density
7.3.1 Indicator: Energy usage per sqm7.4 Energy and the community
7.4.1 Local community outreach for energy efficiency
7.4.2 100% renewable energy pledge
7.4.3 Energy efficiency services for industry
7.4.4 Policy development for clean energy technology
7.4.5 Assistance to low-carbon innovation7.5 Low-carbon energy use
7.5.1 Low-carbon energy use -
SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
8.1 Research on economic growth and employment
8.1.1 Decent Work and Economic Growth: CiteScore
8.1.2 Decent Work and Economic Growth: publications8.2 Employment practice
8.2.1 Employment practice living wage (人事進用相關法令)
8.2.2 Employment practice unions (國立政治大學工會)
8.2.3 Employment policy on discrimination
8.2.4 Employment policy modern slavery (勞動基準法)
8.2.5 Employment practice equivalent (國立政治大學承攬廠商職業安全衛生管理要點)
8.2.6 Employment policy pay scale equity
8.2.7 Tracking pay scale for gender equity
8.2.8 Employment practice appeal process (國立政治大學教師申訴評議委員會組織及評議要點)
8.2.9 Employment practice labour rights (工會法)8.3 Expenditure per employee
8.3.1 Indicator: Expenditure per employee8.4 Proportion of students taking work placements
8.4.1 Indicator: Proportion of students with work placements8.5 Proportion of employees on secure contracts
8.5.1 Indicator: Proportion of employees on secure contracts -
SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
9.1 Research on industry, innovation and infrastructure
9.1.1 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure: publications9.2 Patents citing university research
9.2.1 Number of patents citing research9.3 University spin offs
9.3.1 Number of university spin offs9.4 Research income from industry and commerce
9.4.1 Indicator: Research income from industry and commerce per academic staff -
SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities
10.1 Research on reduced inequalities
10.1.1 Reduced Inequalities: CiteScore
10.1.2 Reduced Inequalities: FWCI
10.1.3 Reduced Inequalities: publications10.2 First-generation students
10.2.1 Indicator: Proportion of first-generation students10.3 International students from developing countries
10.3.1 Indicator: Proportion of international students from developing countries10.4 Proportion of students with disabilities
10.4.1 Indicator: Proportion of students with disabilities10.5 Proportion of employees with disabilities
10.5.1 Indicator: Proportion of employees with disabilities10.6 Measures against discrimination
10.6.1 Non-discriminatory admissions policy
10.6.2 Access to university track underrepresented groups applications
10.6.3 Access to university underrepresented groups recruit
10.6.4 Anti-discrimination policy (政大發布EDI策略宣言)
10.6.5 University diversity officer
10.6.6 Support for underrepresented groups (政大永續報告書)
10.6.7 Accessible facilities (國立政治大學特殊教育學生獎補助作業要點)
10.6.8 Disability support services (身心健康中心資源教室)
10.6.9 Disability access scheme (身心健康中心資源教室)
10.6.10 Disability accommodation policy (國立政治大學特殊教育學生獎補助作業要點)
10.6.11 Anti-harassment policy (執行職務遭受不法侵害預防計畫) -
SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
11.1 Research on sustainable cities and communities
11.1.1 Sustainable Cities and Communities: CiteScore
11.1.2 Sustainable Cities and Communities: FWCI
11.1.3 Sustainable Cities and Communities: publications11.2 Support of arts and heritage
11.2.1 Public access to buildings (國立政治大學「四維堂」、「果夫樓」、「志希樓」)
11.2.2 Public access to libraries (國立政治大學圖書館校外人士服務管理辦法)
11.2.3 Public access to museums (政大特藏中心)
11.2.4 Public access to green spaces (政大校園步道)
11.2.5 Arts and heritage contribution
11.2.6 Record and preserve cultural heritage (政大金旋獎)11.3 Expenditure on arts and heritage
11.3.1 Indicator: Arts and heritage expenditure11.4 Sustainable practices
11.4.1 Sustainable practices targets (北市首例校園Youbike捐贈案)
11.4.2 Promote sustainable commuting
11.4.3 Allow remote working
11.4.4 Affordable housing for employees (政大提供新進教師員工宿舍)
11.4.5 Affordable housing for students (學務處住宿輔導組宿舍申請資訊)
11.4.6 Pedestrian priority on campus (校園行人環境改善計畫)
11.4.7 Local authority collaboration regarding planning and development (校園規劃發展合作計畫)
11.4.8 Planning development – new build standards (節約能源措施)
11.4.9 Building on brownfield sites -
SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
12.1 Research on responsible consumption and production
12.1.1 Responsible Consumption and Production: CiteScore
12.1.2 Responsible Consumption and Production: FWCI
12.1.3 Responsible Consumption and Production: publications12.2 Operational measures
12.2.1 Ethical sourcing policy
12.2.3 Policy waste disposal – hazardous materials
12.2.4 Policy waste disposal – landfill policy
12.2.5 Policy for minimisation of plastic use
12.2.6 Policy for minimisation of disposable items (減少使用免洗餐具政策函文)
12.2.7 Disposable policy: extensions to services (免洗餐具限制使用對象函文)
12.2.8 Minimisation policies extended to suppliers12.3 Proportion of recycled waste
12.3.1 Waste tracking
12.3.2 Proportion of waste recycled12.4 Publication of a sustainability report
12.4.1 Publication of a sustainability report -
SDG 13: Climate Action
13.1 Research on climate action
13.1.1 Climate Action: CiteScore
13.1.2 Climate Action: FWCI
13.1.3 Climate Action: publications13.2 Low-carbon energy use
13.2.1 Low carbon energy tracking (永續報告書p.75)
13.2.2 Low-carbon energy use (永續報告書p.75-76)13.3 Environmental education measures
13.3.1 Local education programmes on climate (地政系-國土規劃與土地倫理營)
13.3.2 Climate Action Plan, shared (USR-韌性里山計畫)
13.3.3 Co-operative planning for climate change disasters (傅玲靜教授主持之國科會計畫:面對綠色衝突—氣候變遷視角下能源轉型與生物多樣性之法制衝突與匯流)
13.3.4 Inform and support government (白仁德教授主持之國科會計畫:產業部門之氣候變遷調適體系、機制建置運作與韌性作為評估)
13.3.5 Environmental education collaborate with NGO13.4 Commitment to carbon neutral university
13.4.1 Commitment to carbon neutral university (永續報告書p.74)
13.4.2 Achieve by date (永續報告書p.74)” -
SDG 14: Life Below Water
14.1 Research on life below water
14.1.1 Life Below Water: CiteScore
14.1.2 Life Below Water: FWCI
14.1.3 Life Below Water: publications14.2 Supporting aquatic ecosystems through education
14.2.1 Fresh-water ecosystems (community outreach)
14.2.2 Sustainable fisheries (community outreach)
14.2.3 Overfishing (community outreach)14.3 Supporting aquatic ecosystems through action
14.3.1 Conservation and sustainable utilisation of the oceans (events)
14.3.2 Food from aquatic ecosystems (policies)
14.3.3 Maintain ecosystems and their biodiversity (direct work)
14.3.4 Technologies towards aquatic ecosystem damage prevention (direct work)14.4 Water sensitive waste disposal
14.4.1 Water discharge guidelines and standards
14.4.2 Action plan to reducing plastic waste
14.4.3 Reducing marine pollution (policy)14.5 Maintaining a local ecosystem
14.5.1 Minimizing alteration of aquatic ecosystems (plan)
14.5.2 Monitoring the health of aquatic ecosystems
14.5.3 Programmes towards good aquatic stewardship practices
14.5.4 Collaboration for shared aquatic ecosystems
14.5.5 Watershed management strategy” -
SDG 15: Life On Land
15.1 Research on land ecosystems
15.1.1 Life On Land: CiteScore
15.1.2 Life On Land: FWCI
15.1.3 Life On Land: publications15.2 Supporting land ecosystems through education
15.2.1 Events about sustainable use of land
15.2.2 Sustainably farmed food on campus
15.2.3 Maintain and extend current ecosystems’ biodiversity
15.2.4 Educational programmes on ecosystems
15.2.5 Sustainable management of land for agriculture (educational outreach)
15.2.6 Sustainable management of land for tourism (educational outreach)15.3 Supporting land ecosystems through action
15.3.1 Sustainable use, conservation and restoration of land (policy)
15.3.2 Monitoring IUCN and other conservation species (policies)
15.3.3 Local biodiversity included in planning and development
15.3.4 Alien species impact reduction (policies)
15.3.5 Collaboration for shared land ecosystems15.4 Land sensitive waste disposal
15.4.1 Water discharge guidelines and standards
15.4.2 Policy on plastic waste reduction
15.4.3 Policy on hazardous waste disposal” -
SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
16.1 Research on peace and justice
16.1.1 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions: CiteScore
16.1.2 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions: FWCI
16.1.3 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions: publications16.2 University governance measures
16.2.1 Elected representation (組織規程)
16.2.2 Students’ union (政大學生會)
16.2.3 Identify and engage with local stakeholders (永續報告書)
16.2.4 Participatory bodies for stakeholder engagement (綠政願景工作坊)
16.2.5 University principles on corruption and bribery (公務員廉政倫理規範)
16.2.6 Academic freedom policy (政治大學教師倫理守則)
16.2.7 Publish financial data (校務暨財務公開專區)16.3 Working with government
16.3.1 Provide expert advice to government (金融科技發展現況及未來展望之調查)
16.3.2 Policy- and lawmakers outreach and education
16.3.3 Participation in government research
16.3.4 Neutral platform to discuss issues16.4 Proportion of graduates in law and civil enforcement
16.4.1 Proportion of graduates in law -
SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
17.1 Research into partnership for the goals
17.1.1 Proportion of output co-authored with low or lower-middle income countries
17.1.2 Partnerships for the goals: publications17.2 Relationships to support the goals
17.2.1 Relationships with regional NGOs and government for SDG policy
17.2.2 Cross sectoral dialogue about SDGs (社科院院慶研討會)
17.2.3 International collaboration data gathering for SDG (菲律賓合作)
17.2.4 Collaboration for SDG best practice (里山研究)
17.2.5 Collaboration with NGOs for SDGs (微光盒子)17.3 Publication of SDG reports
17.3.1 to 17.3.17 Publication of SDG reports – per SDG (永續報告書)17.4 Education for the SDGs
17.4.1 Education for SDGs commitment to meaningful education
17.4.2 Education for SDGs: specific courses on sustainability (永續報告書)
17.4.3 Education for SDGs in the wider community (永續報告書)
17.4.4 Sustainability Literacy